Life After Death a Pure Heart of Gold
Learn the Value of Your Life and Think Growth and Riches
Life After Death, A Pure Heart of Gold will inspire you to incorporate love, forgiveness, and humble service into every aspect of your life. With relatable and heartwarming characters, Crisanto weaves the wisdom of the ages into each chapter. You will find yourself reading this book over and over, as you absorb more wisdom and knowledge from its pages.
Life After Death, A Pure Heart of Gold: Learn the Value of Your Life and Think Growth and Riches is a guidebook that will spark your spirituality, your creativity, and most importantly, your love for others. This is a fable that is so much more than a good story. It is wisdom on the written page.
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About the Author
Life After Death a Pure Heart of Gold
Learn the Value of Your Life and Think Growth and Riches
Chapter 1: Death Opens a Door
Most people know death is the end, but a new beginning of a new life as God will judge your life and help you with a new mission in life and a new purpose.
Chapter 2: The Early Journey of Bird
‘Bird’ travels around the world to visit all his friends to get to know their story on life principles they use to climb the ladder of success in life.
Chapter 3: Bird Reaches North America
‘Bird’ continues to travel the word to learn more wisdom and principles in life to use in the ladder of success.
Chapter 4: The Powerful Six Principles Distilled
‘Bird’ learns the most powerful ingredients of success principles of life how to use this principle in action.
Chapter 5: From Shepherd to King
A small shepherd boy becomes king by putting his discipline to practice and dream big.
Chapter 6: Jackfruit Shares the Rest of His Journey
Ask for wisdom not material things, loyalty, and patience to wait.
Chapter 7: The Lessons of South Korea
A good leader always listens to the needs of his follower to help one another.
Chapter 8: Persimmon Fruit Continues His Tale
A good leader always learns how to solve problems for others.
Chapter 9: The Story of Cherry
The sweetest gift you give is learn how to become a servant of all.
Chapter 10: The Final Flight of Bird
In this chapter you will learn how to use affirmation in action and the value of ‘I am’, and without action in life nothings happen.